Race Results Database

This database contains individual rider results in a searchable database. Included are not just SAMCA events, but wherever possible, local club results as well.

Use the search box to find specific information, or use the filter boxes above each column to narrow down results. You may also sort each column by clicking on the headers.

Detailed results can be found on the relevant club websites >  SVCC    AMCC

Name Date Race Course Grade Time
Name Date Race Course Grade Time Speed Pos
Andrew Thomas 04/11/2018 GSR SVCC - 1 E 1:24:30 36.2 7 (12)
Bill Robinson 04/11/2018 GSR SVCC - 1 B 1:34:07 38.9 5 (15)
Bryan Mcintyre 04/11/2018 GSR SVCC - 1 B 1:34:08 38.9 9 (15)
Frank Schoen 04/11/2018 GSR SVCC - 1 D 1:23:24 36.7 5 (12)
Charles Maddern 04/11/2018 GSR SVCC - 1 F 1:26:12 28.3 4 (9)
Christine Page 04/11/2018 GSR SVCC - 1 E 1:24:29 36.2 3 (12)
Colin Chapman 04/11/2018 GSR SVCC - 1 C 1:39:51 36.7 7 (10)
Craig Beddome 04/11/2018 GSR SVCC - 1 B 1:34:07 38.9 4 (15)
Dale Rycroft 04/11/2018 GSR SVCC - 1 A 1:32:08 39.7 12 (12)
Brian Buck 04/11/2018 GSR SVCC - 1 A 1:32:08 39.7 12 (12)
Damien Greig 04/11/2018 GSR SVCC - 1 E 1:24:27 36.2 1 (12)
Darren Cripwell 04/11/2018 GSR SVCC - 1 B 1:34:06 38.9 2 (15)
Darren Wintulich 04/11/2018 GSR SVCC - 1 E 1:24:29 36.2 2 (12)
David Anderson 04/11/2018 GSR SVCC - 1 B 1:34:07 38.9 6 (15)
David Hartland 04/11/2018 GSR SVCC - 1 D 1:23:25 36.7 11 (12)
David Nash 04/11/2018 GSR SVCC - 1 E 1:24:40 36.1 11 (12)
David Paul 04/11/2018 GSR SVCC - 1 E 1:24:33 36.2 9 (12)
Davin Harding 04/11/2018 GSR SVCC - 1 B 1:34:08 38.9 8 (15)
Doug Issell 04/11/2018 GSR SVCC - 1 F 1:26:11 28.3 1 (9)
Duncan Fowler 04/11/2018 GSR SVCC - 1 D 1:23:26 36.7 12 (12)
Gary Smith 04/11/2018 GSR SVCC - 1 A 1:31:24 40 3 (12)
Gavin Tamblyn 04/11/2018 GSR SVCC - 1 F 1:31:55 26.5 8 (9)
Michael Deans 04/11/2018 GSR SVCC - 1 F 1:31:55 26.5 8 (9)
Gavin White 04/11/2018 GSR SVCC - 1 F 1:26:11 28.3 2 (9)
Geoff Hillman 04/11/2018 GSR SVCC - 1 F 1:26:12 28.3 5 (9)